Redeemer Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, is fervently praying God’s Will for ourselves and for the Body of Christ.

On July 11, 2014 Jen Haugland partnered with us in this by providing a Prayer Concert and fellowship at our church.  It was a wonderful experience.  Jen is very professional and helpful in developing ministry in the local congregation.  She was a great communicator with the local support ministry team, and she was excellent in helping us promote our event with electronic and print media.

The event itself was a wonderful combination of talent, partnership with our effort and focus, and support of who we are and what we are attempting to do by God’s grace.  I highly recommend Jen and am grateful we had this ministry experience together.  – Pastor Jeffrey Sippy, Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS), Springfield and Nixa, Missouri.